”No exchange offices, no more confusion”
All deposits can be sent in USD/Euro/TL and are instantly received by you in Turkish Liras.
S’aide members and International Students can withdraw and top-up their S’aide wallet accounts instantly with multiple methods; locally and internationally through the S’aide application.
1 - WISE:
To proceed with your WISE international payments, you should follow the steps stated by United Payment (Birlesik Odeme Hizmetleri ve Elektronik Para AS), the official partner in Turkey:
1- Sign-in into your WISE account, or create an account.
2– Enter the amount you wish to be transferred. Make sure that the amount is sufficient to be sent.
3- Fill in the following information as stated below:
E-Mail :
Full name of the account holder : Birlesik Odeme Hizmetleri ve Elektronik Para AS
IBAN (Birlesik Odeme’s dedicated IBAN for S’aide) : TR 86 0010 3000 0000 0031 0686 55
Your Transfer (as stated in S’aide App Guidance) : xxxxx
Birlesik Odeme will receive exactly (in Turkish Lira and deposited to S’aide Student Wallet after deducting S’aide fee) : xxxx
Fee (Money transfer fee of Wise) : xxxx
Type a reference (This is S’aide Reference Code for transfers plus (with – dash) the S’aide account holder’s SID) :42268809997-XXXXXXXX
Wise transactions from Turkey are processed by Birlesik Odeme. By continuing, accept the Terms of Use.
2 - UPT (Shift & Ria):
UPT is an official partner of S’aide! Now, you have access for all low cost-efficient international payment transfers like SHIFT & RIA at your doorstep.
S’aide application is your ultimate UPT transaction guidance!
3 - SWIFT:
You can easily make a direct deposit to your S’aide Wallet Account, at any ATM machine, in Turkish Liras only.
You can directly top-up or deposit money into your S’aide Wallet Account, through the S’aide application from your own credit/debit card.