Student Services

Student Services

All students interested in studying in Turkey by experiencing the ideal mix of east and west cultures, international business and trade hub characteristics, historical and natural beauties, while obtaining a universally recognized international diploma, should apply now!

With Turkey’s growing reputation in higher education, all international students should take an advantage of the higher education options that are offered right at their toes. Turkey is listed among the top ten education destinations for international students by UNESCO.

With S’aide by your side, you have access to their wide network of partnered Education Counselors/Agents that can assist you in making the best choice to start your journey. Have instant access to the most updated program search system, and step by step guidance.

My Education Counselor/Agent helped me through each step of application. There were requirements I couldn’t understand at first, but everything was so transparent and clearly explained. I am so thankful to have such an aide a great partner of S’aide

 Mohammed A

The Turkish Higher Education System and requirements can be a hassle if you don’t understand what needs to be completed. Therefore, S’aide helps you with each step all while keeping you on track with your first day at university. Don’t risk registration delays and Turkish office hassles, join our network today and see for yourself!

How S’aide Can Also Help

S’aide completes with its unique services all university application systems. We can also help you through each step of your university deposit and tuition payments. Not only do we keep you informed of your upcoming tuition payments, but we also keep your finances and student services all in one simple app. No more bank lines, no more asking one help desk to another.  Just ask S’aide. We are available to you 24/7 regarding your student needs.